Construction unit: Weihai Haoshida Carbon Fiber Technology Co., Ltd.
May 2019
Prepared by: Weihai Haoshida Carbon Fiber Technology Co., Ltd.
Legal representative: Qin Peng
Report leader:
Monitoring unit: Shandong Tianhong Quality Inspection Center Co., Ltd.
Construction unit: Weihai Haoshida Carbon Fiber Technology Co., Ltd.
Telephone: 18663135893
Fax: 0631-5785900 *** *** *** *** ***
Zip Code: 264202
Address: No. 20, Zaoshan Road, Yangting Town, Huancui District, Weihai City
table of Contents
Report body
Preface...................................... ................................................. .... 1
Table 1 Basic Situation of Projects............................................ .................................... 3
Table 2 Brief description of process flow............................................ ..................................... 8
Table 3 Environmental protection facilities... .................................. 10
Table 4 Acceptance Standards............................ .................................. 16
Table 5 Acceptance monitoring analysis methods and quality control......................................... ........... 18
Table 6 Monitoring working conditions.................................. ......................................... twenty one
Table 7 Sewage monitoring results... .................................. twenty two
Table 8 Exhaust gas monitoring results.................. .................................. twenty three
Table 9 Noise Monitoring Results............................................ .................................. 25
Table 10 Acceptance monitoring conclusions............................ .................................. 26
Report attachment
"Three Simultaneities" Acceptance Registration Form for Environmental Protection of Completed Construction Projects
Annex 2 Geographical Location Map of Construction Project
Annex 3 Project floor plan
Annex 4 The main conclusions and recommendations of the EIA report form for construction projects
Appendix 5 Environmental Assessment Approval Opinions
Annex 6 Total Pollutant Control
Annex 7 Acceptance Letter of Attorney
Annex 8 Business License
Annex 9 Factory lease contract
Attachment 10 Proof of domestic garbage removal
Annex 11 Production Daily Report
Annex 12 General Industrial Solid Waste Recovery Certificate
Annex 13 Photos of exhaust gas treatment facilities and exhaust pipes
Attachment 14 Emergency plan drill record and emergency supplies photos
Appendix 15 Business License, Qualification and Test Report of Testing Unit
Weihai Haoshida Carbon Fiber Technology Co., Ltd. was established in September 2013. It is a joint venture company integrating R&D, design, production and sales of carbon fiber bicycles and leisure sports products. In August 2015, the Huancui Branch of the Weihai Environmental Protection Bureau approved the Environmental Impact Report of the "Weihai Haoshida Carbon Fiber Technology Co., Ltd. Carbon Fiber Bicycle and Fishing Tackle Product Production and Processing Project" (Weihuanhuan [2015] No. 10 According to the EIA content, the main products of the project include 150,000 carbon fiber bicycle frames, 400,000 sets of front forks and accessories, and 200,000 high-end carbon fiber fishing rods. As of September 2017, the main body of Weihai Haoshida Carbon Fiber Technology Co., Ltd. The plant has been completed, and the first phase passed the acceptance inspection in August 2018. Due to changes in market conditions, Weihai Haoshida Carbon Fiber Technology Co., Ltd. decided to use the original 2# bicycle workshop and 3# and 7# empty workshops to expand the production of carbon fiber products and produce various carbon fiber components. The project is designed to build 3 production lines. Currently, only one production line is constructed. Only the production line of 2# bicycle production workshop has been completed. Production equipment and environmental protection equipment are in place and the conditions for production are met. The project is checked and accepted in stages, and the project that meets the conditions for commissioning is currently a phase one. The project is located at No. 20 Zaoshan Road, Yangting Town, Huancui District, Weihai City. The east side of the project area is Zaoshan, the south side is Mingliu Group, the west side is Shenyang South Road, and the north side is Xincheng Construction Group Co., Ltd.
The total investment of the first phase of the project is 5 million yuan, of which environmental protection investment is 50,000 yuan, and the building area of 2# factory building is 7639.2m2. The original project has a labor quota of 500 people. This expansion project will not add a new labor quota, but will be deployed from the original labor quota. The single-shift 8-hour work system is implemented, and the annual work is 300 days. The project designs and produces 50,000 pieces of various carbon fiber parts/a, mainly including military carbon fiber parts, carbon fiber parts for auto parts, carbon fiber parts for railway equipment, carbon fiber parts for sporting goods, carbon fiber parts for medical supplies, and carbon fiber parts for aviation. The first phase of the project produces 15,500 pieces of various carbon fiber parts, mainly including military carbon fiber parts, carbon fiber parts for auto parts, carbon fiber parts for railway equipment, carbon fiber parts for sporting goods, carbon fiber parts for medical supplies, and carbon fiber parts for aviation.
According to the “Regulations on Environmental Protection Management of Construction Projects” of the State Council, in January 2019, the company entrusted Shandong Huarui Environmental Consulting Co., Ltd. to compile the “Environmental Impact Report Form for Carbon Fiber Products Production Projects”. The Huancui Branch of the Weihai Environmental Protection Bureau issued a report in 2019. The reply was given on January 24, and the reply number was: Weihuan Ring Management Form [2019] 1-12. Construction of the first phase of the project started in January 2019 and was completed in January 2019.
Shandong Tianhong Quality Inspection Center Co., Ltd. conducted monitoring of sewage, organized waste gas, unorganized waste gas, and noise on the project on March 25 and 26, 2019, and issued an inspection report.
Based on the actual construction situation, combined with the environmental impact report form and inspection report, our company has compiled the environmental protection acceptance monitoring report form for the first phase of the carbon fiber product production project of Weihai Haoshida Carbon Fiber Technology Co., Ltd.
Table 1-1 Distribution of environmental protection targets
Continued table 1 basic situation of the project
Continued table 1 basic situation of the project
表1-2 项目建设情况
Continued table 1 basic situation of the project
表1-4 主要原辅材料及能源消耗情况
表1-5 项目一期主要产品方案
(1)设有事故水池 项目设有1个150m3事故水池,用于事故废水收集以及项目区内火灾事故等发生时消防污水的收集储存;确保事故状态下废水不外排。
(2)污水管道防渗 项目生活污水、生产废水及雨水设立独立的分流制系统,通过专用水道输送。敷设污水管道时对管道坑进行回填粘土夯实,收集污水沟渠、污水构筑物等均采用水泥硬化处理。 (3)企业制定了环保管理制度和应急预案,并定期开展应急演练并对演练结果进行总结。 2.环保设施投资及“三同时”落实情况 项目一期总投资500万元,其中环保投资5万元,实际投资情况见表3-1。 表3-1 项目环保投资情况
施工、同时投入使用,执行了“三同时”制度,目前环保设施运行状态良好。项目环评及其批复要求与实际建设情况见表3-2。 表3-2 项目环评及其批复要求与实际建设情况一览表
1.污水监测 1.1监测布点:厂区污水排口设1个监测点; 1.2监测因子:pH、化学需氧量、悬浮物、动植物油、氨氮、总磷、总氮; 1.3监测频次:监测两天,每天四次; 1.4采样方法、样品保存方法、监测分析方法、监测质量保证和质量控制等均按《环境水质监测质量保证手册》(第二版)和《污水排入城镇下水道水质标准》(GB/T31962-2015)等技术规范的有关规定和要求执行,具体分析方法见表5-1。 表5-1 污水监测分析方法
2.有组织废气监测 2.1监测布点:喷砂工序废气处理设施处理前、后各设1个监测点; 2.2监测因子:颗粒物; 2.3监测频次:监测两天,每天四次; 2.4采样方法、样品保存方法、监测分析方法、监测质量保证和质量控制均按国家环境保护总局发布的《固定源废气监测技术规范》(HJ/T 397-2007)以及《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297-1996)和山东省环境保护厅发布的《山东省区域性大气污染物综合排放标准》(DB37/ 2376-2013)有关要求与规定进行全过程质量保证和控制,监测分析方法见表5-2。 |
3.无组织废气监测 3.1监测布点:厂界上风向设一个参照点,下风向设三个监测点; 3.2监测因子:颗粒物; 3.3监测频次:监测两天,每天四次; 3.4采样方法、样品保存方法、监测分析方法、监测质量保证和质量控制均按国家环保总局发布的《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297-1996)以及《大气污染物无组织排放监测技术导则》(HJ/T 55-2000)有关要求与规定进行,监测分析方法见表5-2。 表5-2 废气监测分析方法
4.噪声监测 4.1监测布点:东、南、西、北厂界外1米各设1个监测点; 4.2监测因子:等效连续A声级Leq(A); 4.3监测频次:监测两天,每天昼夜各一次; 4.4监测方法、监测质量保证和质量控制均按照《工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准》(GB 12348-2008)的有关规定和要求执行。监测方法为仪器直读法,监测时使用经计量部门检定合格的声级计,声级计在使用前后用标准源进行校准,校准前后仪器示值偏差变化<0.5dB(A)。测量在无雨雪、无雷电天气,风速为5m/s以下时进行。噪声质量控制见表5-3。 |